Hagelunie celebrates its 50th anniversary

Hagelunie N.V., part of the Achmea Group, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. The history of insurance in the Netherlands dates back 200 years and has always revolved around jointly bearing the risk of an individual suffering damage.
In the early 19th century, families in the Netherlands often got into financial trouble when their farms burned down. In 1811, 54 farmers established Onderlinge Waarborgmaatschappij Achlum (Achlum Mutual Insurance Company). Each month, members deposited ten cents into a mutual fund. In 1908, a group of horticulturalists founded Eerste Onderlinge (First Mutual) to insure damage to glass in greenhouses and cold frames. From 1972, they continued under the name Hagelunie. Watch our corporate movie here. 50 years: a moment of reflection Peter Broekman, Manager of Greenhouse Horticulture: “I am proud that we have been serving greenhouse horticulturalists worldwide for so long and that we can support these entrepreneurs in achieving their international ambitions. We are working together to achieve a healthy, safe, conditioned, sustainable and future-proof global greenhouse industry. Looking back, reflecting on this milestone with our global greenhouse entrepreneurs is incredible. I hope we can continue working together to significantly contribute to solving the global food scarcity!” Rolf Oetelmans, International Team Manager at Hagelunie: “We are closely monitoring innovations and developments in international greenhouse horticulture! We support our clients in ensuring their business continuity with our industry knowledge and customised insurance solutions. We can maintain a strong greenhouse industry worldwide by working together and innovating.” About Hagelunie
Our focus on prevention started early on, because insurance is not the only solution
From the 1970s, Hagelunie partnered with horticulturalists, greenhouse builders and knowledge institutes to accelerate the construction of strong greenhouses. Fire prevention knowledge also continued to evolve. We learned valuable lessons from damages incurred over the years. The importance of staying in business and being able to work for the future was, is and will remain great. We continue to discuss this with horticultural entrepreneurs and our partners in the sector worldwide. We exchange knowledge to prevent damage and downtime
From local to regional and global
Our environment has also changed over the years. Every era has its challenges. Where challenges were once local, today’s entrepreneurs face global challenges concerning food production, climate, energy and sustainability. We work on these challenges every day with all parties in the industry.
Hagelunie operates in Belgium, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Canada. For more information, visit our website.