Minimum distance for screens
Mimimum distance between the screen en Son-T light in centimeters. Standard screen (combustible) Fire retardant screen complying with NTA 8825 class 1 Fire retardant screen complying with NTA 8825 class 2 Type of lighting fixture - Metal fixtures, 20 20 20 or 45* - Metal fixtures 45 20 45 - Plastic fixtures 20 100 * In case the fixtures are connected under the girders and therefore under the screen package, a distance of 45 centimeter applies. Minimum distance between screen and distribution box Type of distribution box Distance to screen Plastic distribution box (Halyester) 100 cm Metal distribution box 50 cm In case of a fire retardent screen (class 1 NTA 8825) the distance between the distribution box and screen is irrelevant.
(totally closed with electronic ballast equipment)
(traditional fixtures, with cooling apertures)
(special conditions apply to these lights, contact Hagelunie)